Corinna Lenneis ist Regisseurin, Schauspielerin und Schauspielcoach, ausgebildet an der renommierten Guildford School of Acting (GSA) in England und hält weltweit Schauspielworkshops.


Sie begleitet Anfänger*innen und fortgeschrittene Schauspielschüler*innen bei ihrer Weiterentwicklung für die Bühne und das Leben. Jede/r Teilnehmende ist unterschiedlich und braucht für sich passende Methoden. Corinna hat durch ihre Erfahrung, die sie international (z.B. in England, Deutschland, den USA, Indien, Nepal, Österreich, Afrika) gesammelt hat, eine umfangreiche Toolbox, die es ihr ermöglicht, auf individuelle Wachstumsprozesse präzise und passgenau einzugehen.


Corinna erkennt dabei, wo Du aktuell stehst, sie bestärkt Dich in Deinen bereits vorhandenen Fähigkeiten und begleitet Dich dabei, Dein Potential Schritt für Schritt zu entfalten.


Corinna ist auch in anderen künstlerischen Bereichen tätig: sie malt, schreibt, tanzt und spielt Violine.

Weiters ist sie Lebensberaterin in Ausbildung unter Supervision.


Ihre Mission ist sehr simpel: die Welt zu einem schöneren Ort zu machen, Authentizität, Kreativität, Lebensfreude und Liebe zu steigern und das Leid zu vermindern. Und Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, das zu tun, wonach ihr Herz sich sehnt und ihr Wesen jubiliert.


Mehr Informationen im folgenden englischsprachigen Teil!

Corinna Lenneis, who is originally from Vienna, Austria, completed her Bachelors of Arts Degree at the renowned Guildford School of Acting (GSA), in England 2005. Since, before and during her education she has worked as an actress, director, acting teacher and writer in England, Germany, New York, India, Nepal, Austria and South Africa.


Performances include “Showcase” at Criterion Theater, Piccadilly Circus, London, the performance of her own play “Survivors” at the Bellairs playhouse, Guildford and “Vernissage” which was performed both in Germany and Austria. There are many other plays such as "Die Anderen" which she co-wrote and directed with Mark Vanhommerig in Vienna and "Zwischen den Zeilen" with her ensemble "Theater Horizont" at the Spittelberg Theater Vienna.


She has been leading acting and creativity workshops for both amateurs and professionals at the WUK in Vienna and the beautiful lake Wolfgangsee with great success. In August 2013 she trained to be a facilitator/joker for "Theater for Living" (Forum Theater) with David Diamond in Vancouver. Between 2008 and 2015  she travelled 6 1/2 years around the world, writing plays and prose and teaching acting internationally.


She also facilitates company and teambuildingevents for renowned international companies and TV such as La Roche, Red Bull, ÖGK, Zürich Versicherung, Kabel 1, Raiffeisen Bank International, Siemens and Vamed.


She facilitates "Dinner & Crime" regularily at the Hotel "Regina" in Vienna and various other locations on demand.


She is the founder of the Forum Theater Ensemble "Theater Horizont" and the Ensemble "Die Experimentierfreudigen"


She also dances and performes in Artistic Films and Performance Art Events. 


She is currently training to be a psychological counsellor and psychotherapist at the ÖAGG.


Corinna Lenneis lives in Vienna and Wolfgangsee.



Folge mir auf  Instagram, Facebook und Co. für Fotos von Workshops, Theateraufführungen & kulturellen Events.

Infos über weitere Workshops und wertvollen Tipps zu Schauspiel, Impro & Präsentation!


* Born on the 10th of march 1979 in Vienna, Austria



2002-2005 Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) in Acting at Guilford School of Acting, Guildford (UK)

2001-2002 One Year Diploma of Higher Education in Acting at East 15 Acting School, London (UK)

2010-2012 Directing lessons and workshops with Markus Kupferblum

2011 Acting for the camera with Jerry Coyle

2007 Creative writing courses with Gustav Ernst and Robert Schindel (AUT)

2013 Theater for Living (Forum Theater) Level 1 & 2 (Jokering & Facilitating) with David Diamond in Vancouver (CAN) 



2010-2011 Reiki Level 1 & 2 with Nathalie Matos at the Harmonic Healing Center, Goa (IND)

2011 Primal Healing and Tantra Energy with Puja Lepp and Niket Eldar

2009 Osho Meditation facilitating at Osho Varazze Meditation Centre (ITA)



  • "Die Anderen", Theater Fleischerei, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Survivors", The Bellairs Playhouse, Guildford (UK)
  • "WIR BRENNEN: AUS!", Theater im Werkraum, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Heraus-forderung Mensch-sein", Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Ein Mittsommernachts Albtraum", Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Der listige Herr Odysserl" , Theaterei, Neulengbach (AUT)
  • "Prometheus goes Pink Floyd", Cinema Paradiso, St. Pölten & other locations in Austria
  • "Berühr mich! Berühr mich nicht! Der Mensch im System & das System im Mensch" Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Zwischen den Zeilen", Forumtheater Vernetzungstreffen, Linz (AUT)
  • "Zwischen den Zeilen", Theater am Spittelberg, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Spiegel im Spiegel", Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Männervernichtungsgeschichten" von Uli Bree, Theaterei, Neulengbach near Vienna (AUT)
  • "Geh weg, damit ich glücklich sein kann" , Vienna City Hall (Wiener Rathaus), Vienna (AUT)
  • "So, wie ich bin" , Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Das Haus der zerbrochenen Träume", Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Wer ist wichtiger? Ich, oder die anderen?" Spektakel, Wien (AUT)
  • "Das tödliche Experiment" Spektakel, Wien (AUT)
  • "Ich will dich-anders!" Spektakel, Vienna (AUT)


  • "Die Anderen", Theater Fleischerei, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Survivors", The Bellairs Playhouse, Guildford (UK)
  • "WIR BRENNEN: AUS!" (together with "Theater Horizont"), Vienna (AUT)
  • "Heraus-forderung Mensch-sein", Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Berühr mich! Berühr mich nicht! Der Mensch im System & das System im Mensch", Vienna (AUT)
  • "Zwischen den Zeilen", (with "Theater Horizont") Linz & Vienna (Spittelberg Theater) (AUT)
  • "Spiegel im Spiegel", Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Geh weg, damit ich glücklich sein kann", Vienna City Hall (Wiener Rathaus), Vienna (AUT)
  • "So, wie ich bin", Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Das Haus der zerbrochenen Träume", Rampenlicht Theater, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Wer ist wichtiger? Ich, oder die anderen?" Spektakel, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Das tödliche Experiment" Spektakel, Vienna (AUT)
  • "Ich will dich-anders!" Spektakel, Vienna (AUT)


  • "Survivors"
  • "Die Anderen"
  • "Sinn-haft-los"
  • "The colour of heaven and hell" (screenplay)
  • "WIR BRENNEN: AUS!“ (together with "Theater Horizont")
  • “Heraus-forderung Mensch-sein“
  • “Berühr mich! Berühr mich nicht!“
  • “Zwischen den Zeilen“(together with "Theater Horizont")
  • “Spiegel im Spiegel“
  • “Geh weg, damit ich glücklich sein kann“
  • “So, wie ich bin“
  • “Das Haus der zerbrochenen Träume“
  • "Wer ist wichtiger? Ich, oder die anderen?"
  • "Das tödliche Experiment
  • "Ich will dich-anders!"
  • "The eternal return" (screenplay)



  • Acting teaching at Kopan Monastry (NPL)
  • Acting Teaching at the WUK in Vienna
  • Acting teaching at Fior dir Loto School, Pushkar (IND)
  • Acting teaching at Ganaheda Gypsy Camp, Pushkar (IND)
  • Acting workshops at "Artspace“ in Puna (IND)
  • Acting weeks at lake Wolfgangsee (AUT)
  • Workshop "Presentation Techniques" for the European Culture Contact Point
  • "The Inner Artist" creativity workshops together with Mario Mrazek & Christina Regorosa
  • Osho Meditation facilitator (meditation days and evenings) in various countries
  • Workshops for presentation techniques in Vienna (AUT)
  • Improvisation evenings (amongst others for the improv group "talkin" in Vienna) (AUT)
  • "Lebens Theater" (Living Theatre) with Paul Kloosterman and Julia Fabich
  • Acting workshop at the African Dance Theater, Cape Town (ZAF)
  • Acting workshop at the Novalis Ubuntu, Cape Town (ZAF)
  • Various workshops and trainings in Vienna and Lake Wolfgangsee


  • Landestheater Regensburg, Vera, Vernissage, Nike Brettschneider (DEU)
  • Spektakel, Vienna, Louisa, "Das tödliche Experiment" Corinna Lenneis (AUT)
  • Theater Brett, Vera, Vernissage, Nike Brettschneider (AUT)
  • The Bellairs Playhouse, Chiara, "Survivors", Corinna Lenneis (UK)
  • The Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly Circus, London, "Showcase", Peter Thomson (UK)
  • Mill Studio, Anfisa, "Drei Schwestern", John Jamiel (UK)
  • Electric Theater, Guildford, Volga, "Die Schneekönigin", Struent Leslie & Peter Barlow (UK)
  • Mill Studio, Kay, "Balm in Gilead", Michael Crompton (UK)
  • The Bellairs Playhouse, Mrs. Nickleby, "Nicholas Nickleby", John Gardyne (UK)
  • Bellerby Studios, Mrs. Sullen, "The Beaux Stratagem", Kate Napier (UK)
  • Bellerby Studios, Nina, "Die Möwe", Peter Thomson (UK)
  • Bellerby Studios, Countess, "All’s well that ends well", Pete Harris (UK)
  • Babette Biedermann, "Die Brandstifter", Ziggy Lindsal (UK)
  • Corinna Stroller, "The House of the Blue Leaves", David Robson (UK)
  • Pygmalion Theater, Vienna, Agnes, "Ab.Ort", Geirun Tino (AUT)
  • Pygmalion Theater, Vienna, Tituba, "Hexenjagd", Christian Ioan (AUT)


  • Reader for "Musiccultura", Klosterneuburg (AUT)
  • Interview with Radio Orange (AUT)
  • Readings with "Freie Wiener Schriftstellergruppe" a writers group in Vienna, founded by Corinna Lenneis, amongst others (AUT)
  • "Wandlungen" together with Julia Kloess
  • Reading of "Sinnhaftlos" at the Krilit "Kritische Literaturmesse" in Vienna with Claus Goldschmidt (AUT)

Review for Reading at the KriLit
Dreisch Feedback Krilit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 132.8 KB


  • "Wild Rebel", Director: Wolf Morrisson
  • "Auf Lilys Spuren", Director: Peter Evers
  • "Somat Advert", Eastern Europe
  • Acting for the camera with Sheela Allen 2004-2005
  • Acting for the camera with Jerry Coyle 2010


  • 2008: 12 months: India, Thailand, Singapore, Nepal, Vietnam, China, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Cook Islands, Moorea, USA
  • 2009/2010: 8 months: India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, China, Israel
  • 2010/2011: 4 ½ months: India
  • 2012: 7 months: India, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, South Africa
  • 2013: 3 months: Argentina & Chile
  • 2013: 1 month: Canada
  • 2013: 6 weeks: Ireland and France
  • 2014: 1 month: South Africa
  • 2014: 1 month: Italy and Korfu
  • 2015: 2 months: South Africa
  • 2015: 2 months: Italy
  • 2015: 6 weeks: England
  • 2016: since February 2016 has been spending a lot of time in Rome, Italy


  • 2005: 2 weeks Buddhist Retreat in Dharamshala, India
  • 2008: 2 weeks Osho Meditation Center, Puna, India
  • 2008: 2 months Osho Meditation Center, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 2008: 2 weeks, Buddhist Retreat, Kopan Monastry, Nepal
  • 2009: 2 months at Osho Varazze Meditation Center, Italy
  • 2009: Vipassana 20 day retreat in India
  • 2010: 2 months at the Osho Meditation Center, Puna, India
  • 2010: Vipassana 10 day retreat, Hungary
  • 2011: 2 months at Osho Meditation Center, Puna, India
  • 2011: Vipassana 10 day retreat, Kolapur, India
  • 2012: Vipassana 10 day retreat, Worcester, South Africa
  • 2013/2014: Vipassana 10 day retreat, Agathareid, Germany
  • 2016: Vipassana 10 day retreat, Agathareid, Germany
  • 2017: Vipassana 10 day retreat near Bologna, Italy 


  • English, French, Norwegian, German (mother tongue), Italian


  • Piano basics
  • Violine intermediate level
  • Mezzo/alto, singing lessons with Mario Mrazek


  • Jazz, ballet, belly dance, ballroom, contemporary


  • Horse riding, skiing, diving (PADI open water), paragliding, skydiving, trekking (Mount Everest basecamp amongst other Himelayan adventures)